Omar Williams’ career in public service started in 2012, when he joined the US Navy. He served five years on active duty as a Hospital Corpsman, achieving the rank of Hospital Corpsman Second Class (E-5). Additionally, Omar has previously worked for the federal government as Auditor, conducting reviews on various engagements at the request of Congress. Prior to joining TCAP, Omar interned for the organization as a graduate student, working on various projects aiding in efforts to standardize internal operational procedures and increase the organization’s outreach efforts.
Omar earned his B.A. in English from the University of Kansas and is a proud alumnus of the University of North Texas Master of Public Administration Program.
Currently, Omar serves as a member of the Texas Advisory Committee for the US Global Leadership Coalition. In addition, he also serves as a member of the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veteran Assistance Advisory Committee. Omar is currently a member of the Texas City Managers Association (TCMA), Urban Management Assistants of North Texas (UMANT) and the National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA).
Favorite Quote: The most damaging phrase in the language is ‘We’ve always done it this way.’ -Rear Admiral Grace Hopper.