Jo Ella Wagner

Place 15 At Large
South Texas Water Authority, TX

Jo Ella Wagner is the Assistant Executive Director/Finance Manager at South Texas Water Authority (STWA) in Kingsville, Texas. She has worked for South Texas Water Authority for 27 years and was promoted to Finance Manager and Co-Investment Officer in 1998 and Assistant Executive Director last year. Upon STWA joining STAP in 2004 and then joining TCAP in 2011, she was instrumental in converting the various electric accounts and continues to analyze the benefits and savings of STWA’s TCAP membership and advocates for TCAP participation. Ms. Wagner received her BBA in Finance and an MBA in General Business from Texas A & I University (Texas A & M Kingsville) and also obtained a secondary teaching certificate from the State of Texas. Ms. Wagner has worked in banking, accounting and business management before taking her accounting position with STWA. She is currently a Registered Texas Assessor/Collector, STWA’s Investment Officer, and holds a D Water License with TCEQ. Ms. Wagner is a member of the Texas Association of Assessing Officers, Texas Association of Appraisal Districts, and Texas Rural Water Association. Ms. Wagner has been married for 30 years and is the mother of two. In her off-time she volunteers as the Council Advisor for the 4-H Clubs in Kleberg and Kenedy counties and the 4-H Consumer Education Coach. She has been active with 4-H for over 25 years and is a recipient of the Texas 4-H Salute to Excellence Award.

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