John Beckmeyer

Place 6 Large
Odessa, TX

John Beckmeyer currently serves as the City Manager of Odessa being appointed to the position in August 2023 after serving as the Executive Director of the Republican Party of Texas. Mr. Beckmeyer’s corporate experience encompasses roles such as Chief Operating Officer/Vice President of Operations at Musketball Group/Stem Software, Senior Network Designer at JP Morgan Chase, and Information Technology Vice President Operations at CompuBank, NA. Mr. Beckmeyer is also an active participant in the community serving on the State Republican Executive Committee from 2014 to 2016, and chairman of the Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas in 2014-2015. He has also served as Secretary/Treasurer of the American Meat Goat Association from 2006 to 2009. Mr. Beckmeyer received an Associated Science degree from Western Texas College and a Bachelor’s in Science from Sam Houston State University.

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